Doing a quick sweep. Just need to hit some curbs with the car. Smash the car up a little bit. Insurance smash. By accident 70 to 80 times. Bad mushrooms. Your backyard mushrooms. Turtle chocolate. Gas pump line up. Just one time punch to make it right. Punched in the face challenge. Ball scuffing. Oatmeal chips. Pee in the sink. Hand washing witness. Call for a touch it. Gas bees lol.
Group toilets. Harassment policy. Milk door. Mix it up. Toilet number policy. Wedding ring is not missing and fix the shoes. It was buried in the back. Hairspray waffle. Return stolen gas. Bad routers from bad gas. Playing with a wallet. Gasoline skin. The gas doesn’t go. We could eat your food instead of hotel food. Cheeseburger assistance. Bring the kitchen your own cooking utensils. Speed up the bathroom. Interlock. Help me steal my friend’s car. Punched guest baby. Damages from fun. Poppin off. Sign off on the room. Hotel discount for unused items. Junk cars.
The milk room collection circle. Pooping in strangers bathrooms. Too many items for the room. Come back to dig holes. Disconnected from the man on the phone. Somebody for him to talk to in the store. Park in front of the house for a few hours. You can’t have a chicken. Top off your gas tanks. Birthday gas present. Thirty bucks and you can kick him. Stage a fake dog run over with the car. A reward for knowing how to steal gas. Visual representation. It is a live chicken.
Sorry, some of the audio is a bit blasted out in this one. A place for method acting. Recording permission. Cricket pet fees. Cricket fudge. Cabbage secret bugs. A touch movie. Street chickens. Touching time. Gas reservation. Credit card messy. Feeling generous about the cleaning fees. Theater crickets. Release the good luck reptile cricket. Slipped out some bees. Sick cricket.
Messing with the holes. Private investigator has been hired. Looking for already found keys. Press charges on the baby. The other guests do not hang out. Adult beverages and adult foods. Social media friends with employees. Physically bumped. Gas appointment. Prepay over the phone. Gas delivery. Gallon of gas all around. Pay it forward.
Write this number down. Taking pictures of you. Return the WiFi. Turn in employees for rewards. Serving restrictions. Best friend for hire. Smell restriction. Dual person phone call. The popcorn is not working. Report the employee. Just mix it in. Comedy routine at the store. Ferret in the store. Pregnant types. Favorite groceries. Anytime of the day. Roaming free. No tickling sisters. Pee on the test. Pregnancy tests. Pool noodle personal space.
Watch the employee eat the food before. Teeth requirement for the foods. An example. Meet the sandwich maker. Misplaced sandwich. Sister was tickling me. Take some hotel observations. Watch them eat. Observe and watch. Tickling in the car. Burger eating snake. Raw burger for the snake. Car windows up or down for gas safety. Drive-thru windows up. Thin food. Too many bees in the tank. Bee drive-thru. Hotel car windows up or down.
Driving drunk practice. Things that dogs like. Expensive phone. Face punch. Bad for business. Mix tape. Best smoking spot for spliffs. Just trying to help. Describe the parking lot. Body wash and bar soap. Motorcycle laps say it back. Parking lot usage. One too many nuggets. Definitely stealing. Split some snacks. Drive-thru sobriety. Fair dog in the hallway.
Late start shorter show. Carpet color. Lost the hearing aids. Hotel pranks. Birthday dissociative wallet on top. Small hole in the carpet. Angry raccoon. Forgot the wavier for shopping and panties. Sneak the lettuce. Deserved to get hit in the face. Rental shoes. Hand stuck in a ball. Pop an intervention. Charge for a night. A group of like minded individuals. Illicit boof. No drive-thru. One night burger. Round hamburger. One night bowling. Intervention process. Reason to believe Joe is in the store.
Trouble in bed. Legally provide tips to employees. Bribes. Money. Deserved to get punched in the face. Not being forced to stay. More punching. Face punching for money. Lock the bathroom doors from the outside. Lock the room from the outside. Sandwich with unknown problems. We just do not know. Both people on the phone. Up and over hit with their car.