I like honking my horn. Towing cars to get the word out. Holes. Hey Hey Hey. Citizen’s arrest. Customer service. Honk. Hotel animal. Chicken delivery. Fireworks. Tow cars.
Rules for a citizens arrest. Security master. Getting arrested. Roommate dispute. Citizen’s arrest. Everything is okay. Jimbob. Urination in the common areas. Ice machine. Moon dog.
Not invited to the birthday party. Mousetrap only half worked. The squirrel is not going to make it. Getting caught. You’re hired. Permission to speed. Sneak into the party. Lighting. Just a lot of stuff laying out. Dying squirrel. Room limit. Happy Birthday. Not weird, only creepy. The Birthday Boys.
Second floor manager. Manager of the felony trial. I was never there. Expert witness. Holes. Never billed. Bone thief. Bone bleach. Fight policy. Secret vitamins. Natural melted water. Pregnant type times. Cute dog. Stop meeting like this. Hotel chicken. Help with the charges.
Audio is missing from 5-18, on to the next week. Lie for me. Labels. Which one is the side of the basket. Limit 1 on buy 1 get 1. Beans on bread. Report me for shoplifting without shoplifting. Unlimited hot dog program. More than four hours. Erection pills. I never say bad things. Hotel dog watching. Going for the back pocket. Holes.
Job stuff. I will take the job thanks. Private Investigator. That was just a regular phone call but I liked it. Hotel cleaning. Hotel dog watcher. Push button. Milk door. Don’t tell my mother I smoke. Car tent. Getting a job means no more unemployment checks. Room cameras. Slapped in the face. Permission to speed. Popsicle sticks. Bag of teeth. Teeath. Chicken. Noises from the room. Call the rooms.
Picking up a few shifts. Hiring for other places. Sending over an employee. Corporate re-calibration. Drop in this chicken. Get this dog to eat this lettuce. Flowers. Inspecting mail. Auto-flush. Pick up a train. Fastest food to eat. A Good Time.
Firing people in the business room. Just kinda hanging out in the room. Reward for getting employees in trouble. Animal bowling. Leaving the family at the bowling alley. Permission to date employees. Being a witness to the termination. Grab my smokes off the dashboard. Susan party. Cricket hunting. Bathtub comfort. Fire people in your front yard. Getting hit by cars up and over lawyer time with a good smack. Food pet. Tell me a story. Guys named Josh are fighting. Broken glass challenge. Pelican. Raw fish tub. Requesting a dirty room.
Getting hit by cars. Up and over. Marijuana’s birthday. Just one really big one. Poppin off. Delivery driver allowed inside. Offering you a drink. Smash them up a little bit for the mechanic. Got punched in the face. Water face. Group bathroom. Positioning the cars. Stage a fake. Touching smelling the bread. Reboot the router please. Pushing him out of the car in front of your store. Raccoons.