Instructions for the drive-thru are missing. Packets just thrown in the bag. This lettuce is all over. The drive-thru lane what’s that. Turkey leftovers. Found some food. Leaving food for somebody else to find. My voice is my password. Password for the drive-thru. Least amount of work for a shift. The new manager. Best throwing sandwich. Got hit with a sandwich. Dropped the sandwich on his head real bad. Hurt real bad from the sandwich. Optional hold. Bad toy deal. Traffic manager.
Canadian electric. Shopping lessons. Respect the substitute shopper please. I prefer to talk to the parents instead. Too many video games and cell phone times. The substitute shopper got in trouble with their parents. Extra wires. Permission to date the employee. Cooking utensils.
Merry Christmas! Where is Santa? What is that? How does Santa hotel rooms? How strict are the do not disturb signs? Why don’t the Santa trackers match? What’s minutes? What is Santa made out of? How can I watch how you do things? Why doesn’t my key work for other rooms? Why can’t we knock on doors?
The audio quality is kinda BAD on this one, SORRY. Authentic experiences. Where are you. I do not want to cause a panic. Accumulate gasses. Merry Christmas Spirit. Gift exchange. Have this little bag for you. Bribing security with gifts. No holds and no expectations of privacy. Santa stuff. Drugs for Christmas. Hiding employee gifts. Christmas bonuses. Spooky Santa. Not happy about being filled with the Christmas Spirit. Leaving gifts for whatever people do. Ruined Christmas. Santa won’t leave. You have the wrong phone number. Bring back the TV. Stay “off the books” or “under the table” stuff. Breaking rules because ten.
Dog drugs. Dog medicine cream. Sneaking in and out of the bathrooms. Sneaking in the treats. Dark web dog medicine. Acting shady policy. Good news and bad news. Throw you a g. Bio-dome room experiment. Really old dog. Poop call.
Places to put old people. Santa stuff. Watching Keith. Sandwich is stuck and hard to spit out. Too salty. This is not a bank, this is a clothing store. The employee customer dating rules. Battery limit pay hotel toll. Take money under the table.
Join the band. Required friendship via the app. No pen. Drink carrier is broken. Bathroom singing and bands. Big enough to fit in trash cans. Turkey ass. Weird stuff in the trash, sex computer. Slippery trash. Needle trash. Record the podcast from inside the trash can. Forcibly friendly customer. Animal surgery. Cooler singing. Full trash cans. Sneaking stuff in to the store.
Holes. Feet on your grass. Waiting for the order. Business shoe. Talk to James one more time. Borrow sugar. Help taking a pill. Something was up. On account of the daughter. Locked my stuff in their car by accident. Coffee and drinks for iPod. Romantic gesture. Broken glass baseball hazard. Folding bags hard.
Book of spells. Straight WiFi only. Backyard curse. Not so far away state legal plastic bag voodoo hole. Gloves. Physical touch. Peanut butter. Forging a customer card. You cannot roofie yourself in the hotel lobby.