WM Live 2022-11-15 Free Hit

WM Live 2022-11-15 Free Hit

Invited too many people. Not shouting weird things. Looking for guidance. The police looked at me. A free hit. Outstanding out standing farmer in his field. Handling fighting guests. People bring too much food. Bats are flying around. Just regular fighting. Investigation. A dog eating something out there. Mom says to wash all the cars. Fries in the bed. I want to hear how you are. Confiscate shrubbery action. The guy with the bike rack.

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WM Live 2022-11-08 Vote Anything

WM Live 2022-11-08 Vote Anything

Everyone did not vote today. Yes hello. I just need to vote on anything. Harboring non-voters. Voting baby lizard. Getting footage of corn gnawing. Non-intimidating voters. Not scary voters. Voters do not intimidate me. Bad stats at the boating office. Hiding spot. Harass people that already voted. Some voter intimidation in room one. Intimidation headquarters. This call is getting exciting. Get in my car and vote. These emmer effers did not vote. Voter chocolate. Ballet room.

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List/Schedule of Live Shows: worldofprankcalls.com/liveshows
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WM Live 2022-11-01 Car Wash Noises

WM Live 2022-11-01 Car Wash Noises

Wash all the Halloween stuff off the car. Car noises after the car wash. Car wash tunnel man. Fiddling with it. The guy under the hood. Somebody is always following me. Stop looking at me. Snake eyes. Dogs in the car wash. Grandpa wash. Lost shoes in the car wash. These are not my shoes. Car wash feelings. Sex in the car wash.

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List/Schedule of Live Shows: worldofprankcalls.com/liveshows
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WM Live 2022-10-25 Spooky Bodies

WM Live 2022-10-25 Spooky Bodies

Halloween scaring policy. Trying to get with the ghosts. Blood types. Girl drugs. Women during Halloween. Take two if they offer it. Fake blood or real blood. Blood fee. Scaring children rules. Scare policy. Toilet paper the hotel doors. The real front desk please. Scare length. Angry skunk. Ghost noise policy. Dull razor blades. House ghost. Roof ladder. What the bed wants. The bed wants something. Harmonica rules. Goblins and stuff. Cadaver elevators and stuff.

Dragonmere has a YouTube! Subscribe Now!

List/Schedule of Live Shows: worldofprankcalls.com/liveshows
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WM Live 2022-10-18 Internet Challenges

WM Live 2022-10-18 Internet Challenges

Slap in the face witnesses. Hit in the face challenges for internet. Hit by a car challenge. The mini-van challenge. The light them on fire challenge. Echo call. Kitten juggling challenge. Scare the children challenge. Parking lot testing for lightning. Cigarette lighting lightning car. Escort badges. Pay for when I did not pay for the room. Dog catching and car fires.

Dragonmere has a YouTube! Subscribe Now!

List/Schedule of Live Shows: worldofprankcalls.com/liveshows
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WM Live 2022-10-11 Hot Light Bulbs

WM Live 2022-10-11 Hot Light Bulbs

Too many women drivers. Too many men around here. Have not seen a single lesbian. Tell me if I have have to leave. Old fingerprint burning light bulbs. Hot light bulbs for laundry. Cold light bulb. Elbow scrape from six months ago. Toilet paper and egg the hotel door. Mess up the their hotel room door or their car instead maybe. Revenge clause. Too much candy. Starting an investigation on another guest. Candy van. If they call about the smell, just tell them everything is fine. Puzzle bed sheets. Poor kitty.

Dragonmere has a YouTube! Subscribe Now!

List/Schedule of Live Shows: worldofprankcalls.com/liveshows
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WM Live 2022-10-04 Doing Candy

WM Live 2022-10-04 Doing Candy

Just trying to cause trouble without being drunk. Recreating movie scenes in the room. Breaking the fourth wall. Door to door check make sure everything is okay. Smoking fee per cigarette. Room wrestling. Laughing taffy. Accidentally got a squirrel drunk. Drunk bumble bee. International space station socket wrench. A second mattress to make a square. They would not sell a cigarette. Candy giggling.

Dragonmere has a YouTube! Subscribe Now!

List/Schedule of Live Shows: worldofprankcalls.com/liveshows
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WM Live 2022-09-13 Hidden Sauces

WM Live 2022-09-13 Hidden Sauces

Gathering evidence at the bachelor party. A face to face conversation. Video evidence for sister rehab. Boogie man conspiracy. Clothing required for between rooms. Lost and found storage. Cover up the smell so Mom doesn’t smell it. Hide my stash please. A place to hide things. Wrong Mom. Talk about fate at the front desk. Room limit. Sauce packets. Whelming. Whirley foody. Fully clothed drive-thru. Trade music for tacos. Man walking a dog without pants. Checking for drugs by smell. Lawsuit. Hot TVs. Stop the smell with dryer sheets. Hide a cheesecake and lie about it. You do not want to help me. No more cheesecake. Paranoid cheesecake.

Dragonmere has a YouTube! Subscribe Now!

List/Schedule of Live Shows: worldofprankcalls.com/liveshows
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WM Live 2022-08-30 Napkin Wallet

WM Live 2022-08-30 Napkin Wallet

Permission to prank. Keeping things found from the toilet. Toilet jerky. Fake drugs. Taking things in and out of the wallet after you handed it to them to pay for you meal. Napkins in the wallet. Smells good in here. Pretending while in the drive-thru. Wallet sniffing. Hang on to the card please. Dropping off minors. Minors inside the store at shift end. Filing charges. Pressing charges. Put the chicken inside the burger. Left something in the freezer. Illegal red meat sandwich. Condescending speaker.

Dragonmere has a YouTube! Subscribe Now!

List/Schedule of Live Shows: worldofprankcalls.com/liveshows
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WM Live 2022-08-23 Three Wishes

WM Live 2022-08-23 Three Wishes

Time boards. Volunteer hotel. Paying for sneaking into hotel rooms for the night. Looking through the cars in the parking lot. Making paste. Bury the payment in the grass. Rolling the windows up for the dog. Sorry for dealing drugs, here’s a cut of the profits. Congenital visits. Just want to talk to a lesbian real quick. Fat fee. Dog punishment. Tricked a guest and took apart their a/c. Three wishes from the Chief.

Dragonmere has a YouTube! Subscribe Now!

List/Schedule of Live Shows: worldofprankcalls.com/liveshows
Check out worldofprankcalls.com and phonelosers.org and prankcast.com

Main site for past episodes and live streaming links:

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