Poop protest for cutting loose. Saw a raccoon after pumping gas. Lots of dogs pooping. Not allowed information. Coffee and poop bags. Sneaky dookie. Special time for no shopping carts. You let people use dookie in the bathrooms. Ding it with a flashlight beam. Mix-tape thank-you. Tell me what’s going on with these phones. That is the wrong wig. Raccoon trap. Stolen chickens. Bring back stolen gas. Not a real manager. Take the octane out of the gas. Gas in the electric car. Return the gas. Canadian shopping carts stuck together. Mirrors on the shopping carts. Shopping cart power source. Electrified cart is good to go. Everybody hates us for some reason and the cart is full of raccoons. Going out on a sneaky dookie.
Prankers: Wasted, Dragonmere, SPLink, Toxic, Niko
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